
Advanced Robotics

Learn to build a roving robot and learn the aspects of triggering functions via a hacked remote control.

Program an Arduino Uno and a Nano along with a motor-controller as well as sensors, potentiometers. Learn about digital and analog ports.

Advanced study of functions.

Motors, Electromagnetism (Michael Faraday)
Sensors and Potentiometers to control audio and RGB LEDs
Arduino IDE and C Language (no experience necessary)

We will offer optional packages to customize your robot including controlling it with your phone. Camera and recording options.

Class Price: $215
Lab Fee: $70

Students take a home a complete, remote controlled robot with an Arduino.

Recommended Ages: 8+
No experience needed. Only an enthusiasm to break gadgets and analyze things.

[button link=”http://roboq.org/product/hackq-robotics-advanced-17/” size=”large” style=”tick” color=”#bad532″]Advanced : Register – June 19th to 23rd[/button]